aptitude percentage mcq pdf Model Questions & Answers, Practice Test for ibps rrb so officer sclae 2 3 single exam 2024

Question :6

7% of the total quantity of wheat is lost in grinding when a country has to import 6 million tonnes, but when only 7$3/4$ % is lost, it can import 3 million tonnes. Find the quantity of wheat grown in the country.

Answer: (b)

Let x be the total grown quantity of wheat.

∴ According to the question

(7% of x ) + 6 = $(31/4% of x)$ + 3

⇒ ${7x}/100 + 6 = {31x}/400 + 3$

3 = $({31 - 28}/400)x$

⇒ $1200/3$ = x

⇒ 400 million tonnes wheat grown.

Question :7

If the price of sugar is increased by 7%, then by how much per cent should a housewife reduce her consumption of sugar, to have no extra expenditure?

Answer: (b)

% reduction in consumption

= $\text"% change in price"/{100 + % \text"change in price"} × 100$

= $7/{100 + 7} % = 7/107%$

Question :8

In a competitive examination in State A, 6% candidates got selected from the total appeared candidates. State B had an equal number of candidates appeared and 7% candidates got selected with 80 more candidates got selected than A. What was the number of candidates appeared from each State?

Answer: (a)

Let the number of candidates appeared from each state be x.

Then, 7% of x – 6% of x = 80

⇒ 1% of x = 80

⇒ x = 80 × 100 = 8000.

Question :9

Aman’s expense is 30% more than Vimal’s expense and Vimal’s expense is 10% less than Raman’s expense. If the sum of their expenses is Rs. 6447, then what would be the Aman’s expense ?

Answer: (b)

Suppose the expense of Vimal = Rs. 100

Expense of Aman = Rs. 130

Expense of Raman = $100/90 × 100 = Rs. 1000/9$

∴ Ratio of the expense of Vimal, Aman and Raman

= 100 : 130 : $1000/9$ = 90 : 117 : 100

So, the expense of Aman

= $117/{90 + 117 + 100} × 6447 = 117/307 × 6447$ = Rs. 2457

Question :10

? % of 35568 ÷ 650 = 456

Answer: (e)

$?/100 × 35568/650 = 456$

${456 × 100 × 650}/35568$ ≅ 903

ibps rrb so officer sclae 2 3 single exam 2024 IMPORTANT QUESTION AND ANSWERS

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